
Showing posts from December, 2019

5 best useful medicinal ayurvedic plants that can be used in home remedies

5 best useful medicinal ayurvedic plants that can be used in home remedies  : In Sanskrit,  Ayurveda  means “The Science of Life.”  Ayurveda  knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the “Mother of All Healing.” There are various medicinal plants that are very useful in treatment of diseases and home remedies. Here you go with some Indian medicinal plants used in home remedies as well as treatment in Ayurveda. ASHWAGANDA ( Withania somnifera ) : Ashwagandha is traditional and ancient  medicinal herb used in Ayurveda. It comes under category of adaptogens ( meaning that it can help your body manage stress ). It is found helpful in: Relieve stress, increase energy levels, and improve concentration Some studies show that ashwagandha reduces blood sugar levels through its effects on insulin. Withaferin, a bioactive compound in ashwagandha, promotes...

7 Google hacks you should try out now that actually work

7 Google hacks you should try out now that actually work  Google, the place where we find all answers today. But do you know that searching on Google will be easier if we you use some Google hacks. Here you go with the 7 Google hacks and hidden features for 2020 of Google that work on both desktop and smartphone you should try out now. Let’s get started. 1. Flip a coin:         If you are confused who is going to do a particular work, let Google decide it. Just type in Google “flip a coin”. In a second it flips a coin and solves your issue. 2. Atari breakout:        If you are bored and want to do something interesting, like playing those classical Atari games. Then hidden Google’s Atari breakout game. Just type in search box Atari breakout and click on first link, this will redirect you to the images page and all images will get converted to a game in front of your eyes. Just e...