Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance

Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance

The Immunity Booster : Giloy

Here you will get information about giloy. what is giloy, what is cultural importance of giloy,what are the benifits of giloy,what are the disadvantages and side effects of giloy.

This is our new article for the peoples who are searching for the natural immunity booster. So today we have solved their problem by this article. in pandemic coronavirus the main passport of life is immunity. If you have a strong immunity then the life is easy one. The health has became now the main important part of life than money. 

If you are in search of a new immunity supplement then this is for you. Here you will get information about giloy. what is giloy, what is cultural importance of giloy,what are the benifits of giloy,what are the disadvantages and side effects of giloy.

In corona pandemic everyone is findng the energy booster. We have simple suggestion for them is Giloy.

Here we are going to cover following points

#1. What is Giloy?

#2. History of Giloy?

#3. Benefits of Giloy ?

#4. Disadvantages of Giloy?

Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance

Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance 

So without wasting time let us start with our topic and i am sure that at the end you will be impressed by the health benifits of giloy.

 #1. What is Giloy?

It is a large, deciduous, extensively-spreading, climbing shrub with several elongated twining branches. Leaves are simple and alternate like money plant leaves.Flowers are unisexual, small on separate plants and appearing when plant is leafless, greenish yellow on axillary and terminal racemes. Male flowers are clustered, but female flowers are usually solitary

In Ayurveda, Giloy has been used over centuries to treat various diseases. So that was all about what is giloy.

Some Synonyms of Giloy
Tinospora cardio-folia, Madhuparni, Amruta, Gulvel, etc

 #2. History  of Giloy (Tinosporacardio-folia)
Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance

Giloy is a magical herb which deals with a plethora of health and skin problems. Its name is also mentioned in our history as Amrita. It is said that  during Samundra Manthan, when the pot full of Amrita, came out of sea, the demons took it and ran away. So while running few drops of Amrita fell on earth which took the form of a climbing herb known as Giloy.

Today Giloy perform very great job in human life due to its health benefits. Everyone is know about the health benefits of Giloy, If you don’t know about it then read this article.

Patanjali Ayurved Limited is an Indian consumer goods company uses most giloy for the production of ayurvedic Medicines like Giloy Ghanvati, Giloy Juice,Divya Giloy Kwath,etc etc.

 #3. Benefits of Giloy?

Health and immunity is very very important in ayurvedic life. The natural products are a huge source of all type of immunity. Natural products have their own health and medicinal effects. So let us discuss the health and medicinal benefits of giloy here.

Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance

1. Boosts Immunity
      As it is natural thing, it is source to boost your immunity. From ancient time the natural products are found to enhance immunity and Giloy is one of that.
      How to use?
      Take 2-3 teaspoon of Giloy juice.
Add the same quantity of water.
Drink it preferably before meals once or twice a day to boost your immunity
2. Treats liver disease- 
     Giloy is found to improve metabolism and liver functions. so we can use it as a supplement in liver disease treatment.
      How to use? 
      Take 2-3 teaspoon of Giloy Juice.
Add the same quantity of water to it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning once a day.
3. Against cancer- 
      Giloy might reduce the risk of cancer by balancing Vata-Pitta-Kapha and also by controlling the growth and spread of cancer cells.
How to use?
Take 2-3 teaspoon of fresh Giloy juice.
Add the same quantity of water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
Continue for at least 2-3 months for better results.
4. Treats Fever -
      As a home remedy you can use the giloy to treat fever. 
      How to use?
      Take 2-3 teaspoon of Giloy Juice.
Add the same quantity of water to it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning once a day.
5.  In Hair loss-
       Giloy helps to control hair loss and dandruff because of its pungent and astringent nature. 
Giloy also helps in hair growth due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. How to use?
 Make a fine paste of Giloy leaves.Add honey or rose water to it.

Apply it on the scalp and leave it   for at least 2-3 hours..
Wash it with any herbal shampoo.
6.  Improves Digestion-
      Giloy helps to improve your digestion due to its hot, appetizer and digestion properties. 
This helps  to improve your digestive fire and promote digestion
7. Treats Diabetes-
      Giloy helps control high blood sugar level and various diabetic complications by improving digestion and absorption.
      How to use? 
      Take 1/2 teaspoon of Giloy Churna twice a day with water after taking lunch and dinner.
8. Reduces Stress and Anxiety - 
      Stress or anxiety occurs due to involvement of aggravated Vata in the body. 
Giloy helps to reduce that.
      How to use? 
      Take 2-3 teaspoon of Giloy Juice.
Add the same quantity of water to it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning once a day.
9. Treats Arthritis-
     Giloy suppresses arthritic inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. 

Disadvantages and side effects of Giloy:

Giloy - Its benifits, side effects,and cultural importance
We have seen the benefits of giloy above now we are going to the drawbacks of giloy. Everyone should know the disadvantage also if he/she have any other disorder. Lets overlook drawback of Giloy

1. Causes constipation
The use of Giloy can cause constipation and can lower blood sugar levels. So if you are diabetic and have been consuming Giloy products on a long-term basis, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly.
2.In stomach related diseases
If you have stomach related disorder then do not take Giloy. If taken it can cause indigestion.
2. Autoimmune disorder
The immune system in the body should always be kept strong so that you can avoid serious diseases.
But when it becomes more active, it is also dangerous. Giloy can at times exacerbate the immune system, resulting in autoimmune disorder symptoms such multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Hope this helped you. If any queries, opinions or suggestions, comment down right here. Have a nice day.😊😊👇😍


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