5 Health benifits and nutrition facts about strawberry

5 Health benifits and nutrition facts about strawberry

5 Health benifits and nutrition facts about strawberry

Here are the health benifits of strawberry and nutrition facts about strawberry. Check out strawberry health benefits and benefits of eating strawberry daily.

Strawberry, known for its colour,taste and the smell too. A fruit which is cultivated highly and always known for its uses in jams, and other preparations with some delicious tastes. Strawberry has lot of nutrients and healthy constituents that makes it rich for the health benefits. Both men and women have its health benefits including children. Strawberries are often favorite of everyone. 

Strawberry is the favorite fruit in summer. Sweet berries appear in everything from yogurt to dessert, or even salad. Like most berries, strawberries are low in blood sugar, making them a delicious choice for people to control or reduce blood sugar levels.  June is usually the best time to pick fresh strawberries, but the red currant can be purchased in the supermarket throughout the year. 

1. Rich in vitamins and minerals with antioxidants 

They are delicious or cooked in various recipes, from sweet to delicious. Healthy welfare  Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in strawberries can provide important health benefits. For example, strawberry is rich in vitamin C and polyphenols, which are antioxidant compounds that may help prevent certain diseases.  

Strawberries can also provide other health benefits associated with the following: 

2. Insulin sensitivity  

Polyphenol in strawberry has been proven to improve insulin sensitivity of non-diabetic adults. Strawberry itself is not only low in sugar but also can help you metabolize other forms of glucose.

3. Protect the skin  

Strawberry has anti-inflammatory effects, and it can prevent skin damage, apply part. In a small study, a strawberry-based cosmetic treatment protects skin exposure to harmful ultraviolet A (UVA) radiation, especially in combination with coenzyme Q10.  

4. Treatment of osteoarthritis 

 A small study showed that the anti-inflammatory effect of strawberries also protects the other parts of the body, including joints. For those who have kept inflammatory and knee pain, strawberry can help reduce pain and swelling and improve their quality of life. Strawberry consumption has been proven to significantly reduce the persistence, intermittent and total pain in patients with osteoarthritis.  

5. Prevent disease 

 Strawberry contains a wide range of bioactive compounds showing the protection of chronic diseases. Their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects can improve cognitive function and mental health.

That was how the strawberry help us in the maintenance of health. Share with the friends. 



  1. Every fruit is healthful for us.but as you explain about strawberry ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“ ,it's really a healthful fruit.
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