Does playing mobile game damage the mobile battery?
Does playing mobile game damage the mobile battery?
Hello Friends, do you want to know what effect our mobile battery has on mobile games? If playing mobile games does not spoil our mobile battery and it is happening, then why should we read this article carefully to know why mobile games ruin the battery?
Does playing mobile game damage the mobile battery and if it happens then why and how?
When it comes to the mobile battery, the first thing we should know is that every mobile, no matter how good and expensive it is, the battery that is in them is a lifetime limit in all the batteries, like a mobile battery's own life. I can be discharged after charging 5,00,000 times, even after that the battery is not bad, but that mobile battery starts to discharge quickly.
When we play a mobile game, then the processing in mobile does not make any difference in mobile with at least 4GB of RAM, just do not allow more memory or cache memory to accumulate in your mobile to play heavy games like Pubg without interruption.
But when it comes to the battery, due to the processing of the game, the battery of the mobile starts dropping down very quickly from the normal time, this helps the life of the battery, but not only with the game, you will work more and heavier in your mobile. The mobile battery will be down fast and the life of your mobile battery will be working.
Should we play Game on Mobile or not?
Friends, after playing the game, the battery of our mobiles is down sharply, after knowing that the question comes in your mind that we should play the mobile game or else friends, there is nothing to worry about you, it is not that only our mobile game Mobile's battery is bad.
The person who works more and heavier on his mobile, his mobile battery will start deteriorating as soon as it is done with the mobile game and the other thing is that we do not keep our mobile with us all the time. After 5-6 years, if we change our mobile in any condition, then it would be good if I bought it with my own money, then the entire family of mobiles will not last a lifetime with you, as long as you have it If it is mobile, use it for 5-6 years, then your mobile battery will not be bad, but for 2-3 years, it will cost just a little fake discharge from normal time.
Hope you have gone to society that our mobile battery does not deteriorate quickly due to mobile games only if we have bought 10-15 thousand mobiles, then we should use it, buy our mobiles and you are not doing anything in it, what do you mean by buying your mobiles? Anyway, at least after 5-6 years, you will change your mobile.
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